Registration Form

Pre Early Bird
June 07, 2024

Early Bird Registration
Before September 20, 2024

Mid Registrations
After September 20, 2024

Late Registrations
September 26, 2024

November 10-12, 2024


November 10-12, 2024

Have a promo code?


Registration Price: () () 649
Accommodation: () ()
Accompanying: ()
Total No. Nights
Check-in Date
Check-out Date
Total Price

By clicking "pay", you agree to the privacy policy, terms & conditions and cancellation policy

Selected Price €: Inclusive of all taxes.

Registration includes ↓

  • Welcome coffee
  • Access to main conference sessions, exhibits, poster sessions and round table discussions
  • Conference material
  • Lunch, tea / coffee breaks during the conference days
  • WiFi in meeting rooms

Accommodation includes ↓

For delegates who are accommodated in Hotel Occidental Atenea Mar, Paseo García Faria 37-47, 08019 Barcelona, Spain/strong>

  • Complimentary Wi-Fi in the guest rooms
  • Complimentary Breakfast

Registration Cancellation policy ↓

Cancellation policy is strictly followed and all cancellations must be made in writing.
Cancellation before 120 days of the conference start date will receive a full refund, less a $200 towards administrative fee.
Cancellation between 119 to 90 days prior to the conference start date will receive 50 % refund.
Cancellations received below 89 days of the conference start date are non-refundable.
Refunds will be made within 60 days of receipt of cancellation notification.

Accommodation policy ↓

Cancellation before one week of the conference start date will receive a full refund on accommodation fee (if registered before 25 days of the conference)

Cancellation Policy (COVID Situations) ↓

Due to the present situations changing very frequently and having planned for an in-person conference at London, for the one who could not confirm their travel to the meeting venue / restrictions refunds cannot be made and registrations can only be transferred to the virtual / online category / year 2025 conference.

Accommodations will be refunded as per the cancellations policy or can be transferred to the year 2025 conference; any discounts provided by the USG United Scientific Group may be applicable if the participants confirm the same before 30 days of the conference start date.

Cancellation policy in the events of natural disasters or unpredictable activity ↓

Organizer is not responsible for any loss or damage as a result of substitution, alteration, postponement, or cancellation of an event due to causes beyond its control including without limitation, force majeure, natural disasters, sabotage, accident, trade or industrial disputes, terrorism, or hostilities.
The organizer reserve the right to cancel or postpone the conference in case of any natural disasters, calamities or terrorism activity. In this case, organizer cannot accept refund requests from the conference delegates, speakers or attendees that result from cancelled flights and or natural disasters, calamities, terrorism activity. The organizer will provide opportunity for the registered delegates and attendees to transfer their registration fee and accommodation charges to any future or related conferences.
The organizer will not accept any liability for personal injuries or for loss or damage to property belonging to the delegates, either during, or as a result of the conference.